
Divco Diecast Models

At the beginning of the early years around the 20th century, most Americans have two things that they look up to which is the mail delivery from the postal service and the weekly milkman visit. There was always a milkman that would bring fresh milk to our doorstep then back before there were modern refrigerators. The van that the milkmen make use of them is called a Divco truck. They are unique delivery trucks and their front end which is round looks like a Volkswagen Beetle.

The Divco company manufactured their first truck in the year 1926. The truck has been powered by a 4 cylinder engine which is continental. Along the line of years the company manufactured more trucks such as the Model G in 1929 and afterward Model H. in the year 1940, they manufactured the first refrigerated and insulated truck. The early models of the Divco milk truck come with ice which is packed in order for the milk to be cold and when it got to 1954 refrigeration systems were featured and was made as a regular production. The truck is very durable and it lasts longer. The final Divco milk truck model got manufactured in the year 1986.

Now is your chance to receive a part of American history with our selection of divco diecast trucks.