
Diecastscene - The #1 stop for the latest diecast cars

Featured Models

Remember your first car?

How you felt riding in it or going on your first road trip with it. Make these feelings come back to you with a scaled replica of this car. Get back these priceless memories for a fraction of the amount the real car would cost!

Are you dreaming about a car you might never be able to afford?

These models get you one step closer to your dream car. Until you can afford the real deal get yourself a diecast model to marvel at it!

What diecastscene.com offers:

  • Diecast Cars

    All the cars you see on the street every day. From classic american muscle cars up to modern european sportscars.

  • Diecast Motorcycles

    2 wheels and an engine - what else do you need. For every diecast bike collector a must.

  • Race Cars

    Replicas of track cars driven by real race drivers on the race tracks around the world.

  • Hot Rods

    A class that mostly vanished from public roads. Still thought after by many collectors.

  • Diecast Taxis

    Whenever and wherever - taxis are available everywhere.

  • Diecast Police cars

    Authentic replicas of old and modern police cars.

  • Diecast Fire trucks

    When ever you see those driving with sirens you know someone messed up badly.

  • Diecast Construction vehicles

    Most buildings wouldn't be there without modern construction machines.

  • SUVs

    For some it's the feeling of safety a big car gives others just want lots of room for their family.

  • Electric Cars

    If you like it or not, these cars will replace classic automotives with combustion engine one day.

  • Roadster

    Nothing beats a nimble roadster when it comes to having fun while driving. Tight corners thats where the roadster is at home.

  • Convertibles

    Good weather, bright sun, time to drive roofless.

  • Trucks

    For people with bigger needs.

  • Cargo Haulers

    King of the road - every year they get bigger and are able to transport more and more.

  • Service Vehicles

    For all the various needs there are special service vehicles.

  • Diecast Movie Cars

    Cars like Mad Max's war machine or the Delorean of 'Back to the future'.

  • Military Vehicles

    There are conflicts all around the world. These vehicles help our troops in the most dangerous situations.

We offer you the biggest selection of scaled model cars including Bburago, Autoart, Maisto, Motormax and many more. Our diecast models range from 1/64 up to 1/18. Some unusual diecast cars come in even bigger sizes like 1/12. If you are not into cars we offer a large range of diecast motorcycles, boats, planes, military diecast vehicles and diorama figures.

Make Diecast Scene your first stop if you are looking for diecast cars. Let us find the best prices all over the internet for you. Our database is updated regularly with the latest prices from all diecast online shops to make sure you don't pay too much.

No matter if you are a collector and just want to buy a diecast car for yourself or if you want to make your car loving friend a present - we have the right product for you. It's time to find the right diecast car for you. Browse our categories on the left or use our search form if you know what you are looking for.

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